Young Wizards-STEAM Craft Project!

November 3rd at 10:00 am to 11:00 am! Join us in the youth department for our monthly STEAM project build an articulated hand! Young Wizards are invited to construct a hand using foam, string, and straws. We will using our own hand for a model. recommended for ages 6+

Come See Us at Eastworks Open Studios

We have loved getting out to do outreach at local community events. This weekend STOP BY AND SAY HI to us at Eastworks Open Studios on Sunday, November 4th, from 12-5pm. Stephanie will be stationed across from the RMV to answer questions and possibly register you for a CWMARS library card.

She Did It!

Here’s a post from Kelley, who made it to her finish this past Friday — Gulf Shores, AL. She did it!! “So I rode 2487 miles before grocery stops. And there were lots of grocery stops. And so my not so solo bike ride across the US is done. Many thanks!”