OverDrive (CWMARS)
Borrow downloadable digital content including e-books, e-audiobooks and more from CWMARS!

Not finding what you’re looking for through CWMARS? Try one of the other MA library Overdrive catalogs. You can use your CWMARS card to borrow titles from the following partner library networks. Click to link to each catalog:

Need help? To find instructions and troubleshoot issues, try the CWMARS OverDrive FAQs page or the OverDrive Help page.

To access OverDrive content on a mobile device, try the Libby app!
Borrow and read free e-books, e-audiobooks, and magazines from your library using your phone or tablet. It’s easy to get started―all you need is a library card! Need help? To find instructions and troubleshoot issues, try Libby App Help.

Want to learn more? Libby experts host monthly Get Started with Libby (for library patrons) Webinars! Click here see dates and times on our calendar, and get the link to register. Click here to go straight to the Zoom registration page.

Trying to figure out what to read or listen to? We can help! Visit our Suggested Reading for Adults or Suggested Reading for Kids & Teens pages.