Climate Change 101: What You Need To Know
Sep 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The first in a virtual 3 part series, Saving Us! – Working Toward Climate Resilience (Part 2 on 10/3 and Part 3 on 10/17). Please register in advance, choosing the dates you would like to attend:

Presenter: Carsten Braun, PhD, Professor of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability Department at Westfield State University, Westfield, MA

Climate change does not have to be complicated or intimidating. In this presentation you will review the science of climate change, discuss the impacts of climate change, and then explore the practical solutions to climate change that are available right here, right now. Suitable for adults and older teens.

This series is hosted by the Emily Williston Memorial Library, a member of the Pioneer Valley Library Collaborative, in partnership with Voices for Climate. This program is funded in part by Emily’s Friends of the Library.

What Will Drive Our Climate Future?
Oct 3 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The second in a virtual 3 part series, Saving Us! – Working Toward Climate Resilience (Part 3 on 10/17). Please register in advance, choosing the dates you would like to attend:

Presenter: Dr. Gary Yohe, PhD, Huffington Foundation Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT; Senior member, U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

This session will open a conversation about the limitations of what we know and don’t know about climate change, and how we can still make proactive decisions to “abate” or “adapt”. We will make it clear, though, that the third option will always be to “suffer” the consequences of inaction. Therefore, the emphasis of the discussion will be on organizing our thoughts about how to respond to the climate system and humanity. Ample time will be available for discussion and Q & A.

This series is hosted by the Emily Williston Memorial Library, a member of the Pioneer Valley Library Collaborative, in partnership with Voices for Climate. This program is funded in part by Emily’s Friends of the Library.

Taking Action: How We Can Tackle the Climate Crisis
Oct 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The third in a virtual 3 part series, Saving Us! – Working Toward Climate Resilience. Please register in advance, choosing the dates you would like to attend:

Presenters: Voices for Climate (V4C)

Join us for this final session of the series to brainstorm actions each of us can take to turn a looming crisis into a triumph of human ‘can do’ spirit. Through short videos and discussion we’ll explore some of the potential pathways that, individually and collectively, we can tackle the climate crisis head on. Attending the prior 2 sessions in this series is not required but definitely useful. All attendees are asked, in advance of this session, to watch this 7 minute video of David Attenborough’s Nov. ’21 speech:

Voices for Climate (V4C) is a grassroots group, based in Granville, MA, dedicated to creating community conversations regarding climate change.  V4C’s key goals are: non-partisan, science-based public education; community engagement; and advocacy for equitable climate legislation at the state-level.

This series is hosted by the Emily Williston Memorial Library, a member of the Pioneer Valley Library Collaborative, in partnership with Voices for Climate. This program is funded in part by Emily’s Friends of the Library.

Virtual: Climate Justice – Addressing the Disproportionate Impacts of Climate Change
Mar 1 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Register at

Climate change – the number one existential threat to humanity and the planet – is often described as a scientific problem with environmental impacts, but it’s more than that. Where do social justice and climate change overlap? How does identity (race, ethnicity, gender, etc.) influence the way a person is impacted by climate change? And how can we, as concerned community members, fight climate change in a way that is just and equitable for all?

Join Nia Keith, social justice educator and climate activist, as we examine the connection between societal inequities and climate impacts. Nia will share some of the most dynamic climate justice initiatives today, led by youth and People of Color around the world. Finally, we’ll discuss ways we can all take climate action in our communities and beyond.

Closed captioning will be available. This Zoom presentation will be recorded for future viewing.

Presenter Bio: Nia Keith is a Social Justice Educator & Consultant with more than 15 years experience working in nonprofits, schools, and cultural institutions. She is also Mass Audubon’s first Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice. Dedicated to cultivating equity and justice in all environments, Nia has spent her career motivating people to address environmental, social, and economic issues. As an educator, she designs and delivers interactive lessons for all ages, to help people understand and take action to fight climate change. Nia holds a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from The Ohio State University and a Master of Science in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England.

This program was funded in part by Emily’s Friends of the Library.