Finances in the Time of Covid19

October 13, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This Zoom event requires registration. To register, email Stephanie at with the event title in the “Subject” line.

Led by Gil Hogan, Financial Coach, RPC.

Coronavirus, quarantine and the sudden lack of job stability has everyone stressed out about money. Debts are high, expenses haven’t changed and cash savings are near non-existent. As a result, many families are in a tight spot financially and are learning for the first time how to really budget and talk with their spouse about money.

As a financial coach, Gil Hogan’s job is to guide people through the process of knocking out debt and taking control of their finances so that they can find the financial future they’ve been wanting.

Gil knows the grind you’re probably going through. It’s hard to press on without a plan that inspires you. Gil needed one, and he bets you do too. Establishing a clear mission could change everything. It did for him.

Come join Gil Tuesday evening, October 13th from 7-8pm as he reads and answers some tricky money questions he’s received over the past 6 months. Feel free to bring your own questions as well.

Presenter Bio: Gil Hogan’s mission is to help everyone experience the freedom of being debt free. He assists with budgeting, paying off debt, and crafting financial plans. Gil and his wife Jennifer live in Easthampton, with the only threat to their debt free status being their frequent trips to Small Oven Bakery.